Monday, June 15, 2015

Resolutions - They're not just for the New Year!

Resolutions (ahem.. goals - I hate the word "resolution." :P It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.)

January rolls around, and everyone has all these goals - lose weight, save money, stop smoking.

I've heard them all before. Heck, I've made them all before! Then usually around the 3rd week or so, most of these people have given up on their goals. Why does this happen? And how can we make sure our goals "stick"?

Before I get in deep with this blog post, let me go ahead and answer another question that most of you are thinking right now: "Why is she talking about resolutions in the middle of JUNE???"

Well, the short answer is I'm going through a lot of changes right now is soon going to require a lot of organization and goal-setting. I'm also starting The Pagan Experience blog project and I have a hard time with jumping in at the middle of something. It's an OCD thing. But.....goal-setting is important year-around! Successful people set goals, and I want to be one of those successful people! :D

So, let's get back to those two questions I asked earlier....why do most people give up on their resolutions (goals) and how can we make sure our goals "stick"?

1. Why do most people give up on their goals?
The reason I think most people give up on their goals before achieving them (I'm guilty as well) is because they are not emotionally invested in their goal! This is huge! If you want to achieve something worthwhile, you need to get revved up about it! You have to be hungry for it! But most of us fail before we even get started good. We can't just go through life on autopilot and expect success to just fall into our laps. Successful people are constantly moving. They make things happen instead of waiting for things to happen to them.

2. How can we make sure our goals "stick"?
If you want your goals to "stick," you need to get into the habit of checking in with yourself. You need to set baby steps and check to see where you're at and also see where you need an extra kick in the butt to get over any hurdles you are experiencing.

But.....the MAIN thing to keep in mind when setting goals is to you know WHY you are setting a particular goal!!! What do you hope to gain from achieving that goal and are you emotionally invested in the outcome?

I'll tell ya, it can be hard to keep goals. Especially those long-term ones where it seems like we struggle and struggle and struggle and never see any payoff. That's why it's important to have baby steps - smaller goals that help us to achieve our bigger long-term goal. I don't know about you guys, but when I want something, I want it YESTERDAY! Lol. I have no patience whatsoever. If I see something I want to buy, but the store is already closed, I'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day! I'm the same way with goals. If I can't see that I'm making progress, I'll quickly throw in the towel. I have to set baby steps.

So, now that we've gone this far, I'm going to share with you some of my long-term goals that I'm setting.

1. Have a magickal homestead and be able to live off the grid.
2. Quit my job and work out of my home
3. Finish my Year and a Day with Flora Peterson (Yay!)
4. Get married!
5. Fill my Etsy shop with Tarot and witchy goodness - I'll link my shop once I actually have stuff posted lol

This brings me to my last goal-setting tips for you guys: WRITE THEM DOWN!!! Write them down and put the list where you can see it every single day. And every time you see it, you get a little extra motivational push to achieve your goals. The other tip is to set a deadline for your goals. Once you know what you want to achieve, decide when you want to have it done.

And that, my friends, is the end of my very first Pagan Experience blog post! Hope you enjoy!

Blessed Be

(I'll just leave this here for you guys)


Hey guys!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. I've had a lot going on with planning our wedding and (wait for it) buying a house!

I restarted my Year and a Day with Flora Peterson. I feel like I was just skimming the surface the first go-round and I want to make sure that I'm getting the most I can out of my studies.

And holy crap, it has been intense!

For one thing, going through my Saturn Return has made things EXTREMELY stressful, which I feel like is one of the reasons I feel away from my lessons like I did. I've felt challenged physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychically. But Saturn went retrograde yesterday and will be in Scorpio until September, so this is almost like a little break! :D Once Saturn went retrograde, all the challenges I've gone through started to become clear. For one, I've come to realize that my role in this life is that of a mentor. To help those that need my help. Not in a condescending-because-I'm-better-than-anyone kind of way. But by walking beside people as they go through their struggles. I don't have a degree in Psychology or anything of that nature (although that may come at a later time), but as someone that has been though the ringer as far as experiencing all of the darkness that this world can sometimes test us with - particularly death - I think, from a spiritual standpoint, my experiences will be of value to people that are now going through some of those same things.

As of right now, my goal is simply to finish my Year and a Day studies and have a deeper understanding of spirituality. Once I'm done with that, I plan on beginning a Tarot practice and using Tarot as a tool to help other people in need.

Other that all of that, I'm pretty excited to say that we are getting close to closing on our house! We found an awesome deal on a small house in the county on 5.5 acres of land. Our plan is to turn in into a homestead where we can grow and raise our own food and eventually live off the grid.

I'll try to post more often, especially once I get deeper into my lessons. I also want to show you guys our farmhouse once we get settled in and start our homesteading projects :)

Talk to you guys soon!

Blessed Be