Hello again, lovelies! I thought this would be a fun post to do to go along with the introduction post, just so you guys can learn a little more about who I am! Hope you enjoy! :)
1. What kind of witch are you?
I am a solitary eclectic witch. I also consider myself a Cottage Witch as most of my magick centers around hearth and home.
2. How did you discover your path?
I discovered Witchcraft when I was about 12 years old, I found a book my cousin had in her room and I was immediately sucked in. When my mom saw, she told me it was devil-worship.... I started actively practicing when I was 17.
3. How long have you been practicing?
Almost 10 years, off and on, although in many ways I still feel like a beginner :)
4. What path/tradition do you follow?
5. Are you solitary or do you have a coven?
6. Do you practice divination? If so, what techniques?
I'm learning to read Tarot
7. Do/would you teach and practice witchcraft to your children?
I don't have any children, but if I did, I would absolutely teach them witchcraft if that's what they wanted to learn!
8. Do you have a patron/major deity?
Hera and Hades
9. Favorite pantheon?
Greek! I've been drawn to the Greek pantheon since I was a kid.
10. Favorite goddess?
11. Favorite god?
12. Your sun sign?
13. Your moon sign?
14. Do you have a familiar?
No. In fact, I would say I have an ANTI-familiar! Lol. My black cat (go figure) is constantly getting into my stuff. I made a God's Eye for Imbolc and hung it over my altar. He knocked it down and ate the feathers off of it. I had to fix the thing three times before he had it good and destroyed!. He gets my gemstones and knocks them around the floor. When I was doing my money spell, he kept stealing the "treasures." LOL
15. Thoughts on the afterlife?
I believe in reincarnation.
16. Have you had any paranormal experiences?
When I was a kid, I saw what I thought was a ghost. Now that I'm older, I think it was my eyes playing tricks.
17. Are you out of the broom closet? if so, how do your friends/family feel about your path?
I'm partially out of the broom closet. Most people know, but it's not something I flaunt. Most in this group I didn't "come out" to...I got dragged out kicking and screaming. I'm open with my fiance about it. He's fine with it. My mom thinks I'm going to hell..
18. What is something that inspires you?
19. Do you have an altar?
20. What's a spell that you've done?
The one I did most recently was for focus and memory. I did it on Imbolc so I could get the most out of my lessons with Flora.
21. Do you have a totem animal? if so, what is it?
I have two. Horse and snake.
22. Favorite pagan holiday that you celebrate?
23. Do you meditate?
Yes, I try to meditate every day, but a minimum of two or three times a week
24. Have you gone to a psychic/tarot reader/reiki master/healer/etc?
25. What are some witch books that have influenced you?
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, Living Wicca, The Temple of Witchcraft series, Solitary Witch, The Simple Sabbat, and many more
26. Favorite witch websites?
YouTube (not exactly a witch website, but it has had the most influence on my practice) and Everything Under the Moon
27. Favorite witch movie?
Practical Magic
28. Favorite mythological animal?
29. Favorite season?
30. Favorite herb?
Lavender, rosemary, and sage
31. Favorite gem?
32. Rune of your choice?
I know very very little about Runes, but I did just have a Rune reading done for me and the one that stood out to me was Pertho
33. Tarot card of your choice.
The Fool
34. Symbol/sigil of your choice
The Pentacle and the Wheel of the Year
35. Your athame (or one you want).
36. Your wand (or one you want).
And this.
37. Your cauldron (or one you want).
Bought this last year.
38. Your book of shadows (or one you want).
I won't post a picture of my BoS because it's just a plain 3-ring binder. I've been working on it a lot though and it's almost completely full of information. I would like to eventually have one of the really big juicy ones, maybe like the one on Practical Magic! :)
39. Your tarot deck(s) (or one you want).
I have the Witches Tarot deck by Ellen Dugan
40. Something witch related you want right now.
This Witch's Ladder
Well, there ya go! A little bit (not much) about me!
See you guys next week!
Love and light! )O(
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