Monday, June 15, 2015


Hey guys!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. I've had a lot going on with planning our wedding and (wait for it) buying a house!

I restarted my Year and a Day with Flora Peterson. I feel like I was just skimming the surface the first go-round and I want to make sure that I'm getting the most I can out of my studies.

And holy crap, it has been intense!

For one thing, going through my Saturn Return has made things EXTREMELY stressful, which I feel like is one of the reasons I feel away from my lessons like I did. I've felt challenged physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychically. But Saturn went retrograde yesterday and will be in Scorpio until September, so this is almost like a little break! :D Once Saturn went retrograde, all the challenges I've gone through started to become clear. For one, I've come to realize that my role in this life is that of a mentor. To help those that need my help. Not in a condescending-because-I'm-better-than-anyone kind of way. But by walking beside people as they go through their struggles. I don't have a degree in Psychology or anything of that nature (although that may come at a later time), but as someone that has been though the ringer as far as experiencing all of the darkness that this world can sometimes test us with - particularly death - I think, from a spiritual standpoint, my experiences will be of value to people that are now going through some of those same things.

As of right now, my goal is simply to finish my Year and a Day studies and have a deeper understanding of spirituality. Once I'm done with that, I plan on beginning a Tarot practice and using Tarot as a tool to help other people in need.

Other that all of that, I'm pretty excited to say that we are getting close to closing on our house! We found an awesome deal on a small house in the county on 5.5 acres of land. Our plan is to turn in into a homestead where we can grow and raise our own food and eventually live off the grid.

I'll try to post more often, especially once I get deeper into my lessons. I also want to show you guys our farmhouse once we get settled in and start our homesteading projects :)

Talk to you guys soon!

Blessed Be

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